Takamusu Aikido Association - http://www.takemusu.org/
An American Iwama Aikido Organization
Ibaraki Dojo, Iwama Japan - http://www13.big.or.jp/~aikikai/
The Iwama dojohttp://unm.wsrjj.org/unminstitute.htm
Hombu Dojo, Tokyo Japan - http://www.aikikai.or.jp/eng/index.html
The World Headquarters of all Aikido
These are dojos where Sensei Barrett or other Active Arts members have trained or are lead by previous or affiliated former instructors
Santa Fe Budokan http://sfbudokan.com
A Santa Fe aikido and iado dojo led by Damon Apodaca Sensei
Kaiju Aikido - https://www.kaijuaikidoclub.com
A fine Santa Fe dojo led by Joel Nakamura
Aikido Berlin-Karow - http://www.aikidodojoberlin-karow.de/
A dojo in Berlin, Germany founded and led by Wolfgang Baumgartner Sensei, my first Aikido Sensei
Shinau Aikido – http://www.shinauaikido.com
A wonderful Iwama dojo founded and led by Tom Rennie Sensei but don’t get Rickrolled!
Aikido in Fredricksburg - http://www.aikidoinn.com/
If you are on the east coast check out this great dojo founded and led by Aviv Goldsmith Sensei
North County Aikikai - http://www.ncaikikai.org/
A San Diego County dojo affiliated with Birikai International and led by Coryl Crane Sensei
Aikido At The Center - http://www.aikido.pair.com/
An Iwama Dojo in Tucson led by Judith Robinson Sensei
Sonoran Aikikai - http://sonoranaikikai.com/
A fine Tucson dojo affiliated with Birankai International. Sonoran Aikiki is led by Diane Deskin Sensei
Sandia Budokan Aikido - http://www.sandiabudokan.org/aikido.html
A wonderful Albuquerque dojo. The Aikido program is led by James Cornfield Sensei
Tozando - https://www.tozandoshop.com/
Our newest supplier. High quality weapons and uniforms made in Japan with free shipping to the United States.
Nippon Budogu - http://www.nipponbudogu.com/collections/catalog
High quality weapons
E-Bogu - http://www.e-bogu.com/Aikido-Gi-Uniform-Set-s/205.htm
Good quality yet inexpensive clothing
Erler's Martial Arts - http://www.erlersmartialarts.com/albuquerque-nm-supplies.htm
Local Albuqerque martial arts supplies
The National Homepage of Wa Shin Ryu Ju-jutsu - http://www.wsrjj.org/v2/
A traditional ju-jutsu style and program headed by Dr. Andrew Yiannakis. In Albuquerque they are also affiliated with Sandia Budokan.
Chinese Culture Center, Albuquerque - https://www.chineseculturecenter-abq.com.
A wonderful Chinese maretial arts school led by Sifu Ray Takuda.